Sikorski Polish School
Sikorski Polish School, a modern active learning school for children aged 5-12 years old.
We aim to encourage the children to develop and improve their Polish language skills by engaging in active learning experiences based on their interests as well as cultural and celebratory topics.
The children will have the opportunity to learn to speak, read and write in the Polish language in a fun and creative way through outdoor learning, music, art, drama and literacy topics.
If you want your child to be happy and enthusiastic about attending a Polish language School then our modern school is just what you are looking for. We believe that children work best when they are motivated and happy so we aim to provide interesting and fun learning experiences. Our school at Dom Polski nurtures children so that they become confident individuals, proud and knowledgeable of their Polish identity, culture, heritage and language.
Our school runs on a Saturday from 12.30-14.30 for children aged 5-8 years and 15.00-17.00 for children aged 9-12 years.
New school year starts 7th September 2024
All enquires should be sent to

Sikorski Polish Preschool Class
For children aged 3-5 years.
A modern Early Years class where children will enjoy a nurturing environment while having fun and excitement learning the Polish language and at the same time learn about and celebrate Polish culture and traditions. We aim to encourage the children to develop and improve their Polish language skills by engaging in learning experiences based on play, active learning and children’s interests.
We believe in the importance of nurturing young children to help them feel safe, secure and confident. We realise that some young children find it challenging to leave parents when settling in, therefore we are happy for parents to be in the playroom for as long as it takes to settle the children.
The preschool class will start this year on Saturday the 7th September 2024 and run until the
21st June 2025. The classes are from 9.30-11.30.
£120 for 12 week term.
All enquires should be sent to